Do You Want To Increase Your Social Media Engagement 
Without Spending The Whole Day Trying To 
Come Up With Content To Create And Post?*Cover_Mockup_transparent*png?alt=media&token=f206c747-3ab5-430f-ac4c-d79e94a6631a
Social Media Mastery: A Simple Formula For Busy Business Owners And Entrepreneurs To Generate Millions Of Impressions Online FOR FREE
Drewbie Wilson, Vice President of Break Free Academy, shares the secrets to success in his new book on social media. With over 4.7 billion active users worldwide, social media offers entrepreneurs and business owners an unparalleled opportunity to build their brands and increase sales. Drewbie's wealth of experience in harnessing the power of social media to generate leads and close sales has seen him close over $13,000,000 in sales online, and his clients have seen even more significant success.

Here are the key topics covered in the book:

  • Harnessing the power of social media to generate leads and increase revenue
  • Creating a strong online presence and connecting with your target audience
  • Mastering organic social media without dedicating too much time each day
  • Creating shareable content and ensuring your message reaches the right audience
  • Converting quality leads into paying customers

In this book, Drewbie covers both the basics and more advanced concepts of social media marketing, providing practical strategies to overcome the challenges of marketing on social media. Drewbie's journey started in 2018 when he was an up-and-coming insurance producer, slowly building his book through traditional methods. But he soon realized social media offered a more accessible and cost-effective way to generate leads, and his success skyrocketed.

Whether you're just starting or a seasoned entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, this book will help you master the art of social media marketing and succeed in the digital age. Drewbie offers the tools necessary to master organic social media without spending your whole day on the platform, making it ideal for busy business owners. This book is a must-read if you're ready to build your brand and increase your revenue. Drewbie's personal experience and practical strategies will inspire and guide you to success in social media marketing.
If You Are Looking For The Simple Formula To Creating More Impact And Generating More Impressions On Social Media, 
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR*1662575081969*1645643151257*QW8A5246*jpg?alt=media&token=beb01b61-33af-4e55-a4a7-e2716be9db56
Drewbie Wilson is a loving husband and father who pushes himself to live in excellence so he can set an example for those around him. At one point in his life, he weighed in at more than 300 lbs before getting focused on his health and losing more than 100 pounds.

An action taker with his finger on the pulse, who focuses on service to others above all else, leading him to produce more than seven figures in revenues no matter what industry he has worked in.

Not one to turn away from a challenge, he looks to get out of his comfort zone as much as possible. From tech support in a software startup to Vice President of a multi-million dollar consulting company, he understands what it means to start at the bottom and work his way to the top.

A servant first, operating with utmost integrity and humility, but not afraid to tell it like it is. Confidence and empathy are his superpowers. By going all-in on every area of life, he strives to inspire success-driven winners to become the most elite version of themselves.

How does he do it? Living by the motto

"Crush The Day Before It Crushes You!"


See What Danny Jessop Had To Say About Working With Drewbie...

To Whom It May Concern,

For a great deal of time I used social media as an outlet to have fun with my friends and colleagues, not as a place to do business. I'd create memes, have fun with wordplay, etc. And, I was happy.

Then I met Drewbie Wilson, and I found out that one can actually take something as seemingly insignificant as a meme and have it work on your behalf- in business, of all things!!!

He had massive success using humor and memes (he is the Meme Lord, after all), and it inspired me to want to go down that route as well.

Drewbie is an inspiration to many, super helpful, incredibly savvy, and I'm very much inspired by him. Who knew that one could be funny AND successful? 
My best,
Kat East
Best-Selling Children's Book Author
Chaitanya Is Another Satisfied Client Who Worked With Drewbie...
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